Flat Markers

Flat Markers

Flat marker monuments, also known as flat grave markers or flush markers, are a type of memorial used to mark the final resting place of a loved one in cemeteries.

These markers are characterized by their low-profile design, as they are set flush with the ground.

Here are some of the flat markers we have created.

Here's a description of flat marker monuments:

Flat monuments lie flat on the ground, typically flush with the surrounding turf. They are often rectangular or square, with a smooth surface for engraving inscriptions, symbols, or artwork.

Durable Materials:  We create our flat monuments with granite that provides the longevity of the marker and protects it from the elements, making it a lasting tribute.

Ground-Level Placement: Flat marker monuments are installed at ground level,  This placement makes them easy to maintain and navigate around in the cemetery, allowing for landscaping and mowing.

Customization: While flat marker monuments are relatively simple in design, they can be customized to reflect the unique personality and life of the person they memorialize. Common customizations include engraved names, birth and death dates, epitaphs, and religious symbols.

Symbolism: These markers may feature meaningful symbols or motifs that hold significance for the deceased or their family. These symbols can represent religious beliefs, hobbies, or other aspects of the person's life.

Memorial Gardens: Flat marker monuments are often used in memorial gardens or sections of cemeteries dedicated to specific groups or themes. These gardens offer a serene and cohesive environment for remembrance.

Permanent Tribute: Flat marker monuments provide a permanent and enduring tribute to the departed. Their durable materials and ground-level installation ensure that they remain in place for generations to come.

Variety of Sizes and Shapes: While flat marker monuments are typically rectangular or square, they come in a variety of sizes to accommodate different preferences and cemetery regulations. Some may also have beveled or polished edges for added visual appeal.

Cost-Effective Option: Flat marker monuments are often more cost-effective than upright monuments. They provide a meaningful memorial without the need for a taller and more elaborate structure.

Accessibility: The flat placement of these markers allows for easy accessibility for those visiting the grave. One of the advantages of flat markers is their ease of maintenance. Because they are level with the ground, they are less susceptible to damage from weather or accidental contact.

Flat marker monuments offer a respectful and timeless way to remember and honor loved ones. Their unassuming yet dignified design allows the focus to remain on the memory and legacy of the individual, providing a place of solace and remembrance for generations to come.